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Сrime prevention policy in Ukraine in the light of crime statistics for the period of eight months of 2022
[ Викачати з сервера (1.57 Mb) ]2022-11-16, 5:56 PM

A new wave of military invasion of Russia to Ukraine in 2022 became the event that significantly changed the European political and legal landscape as well as impacted economic and cultural life in all European countries and the EU in general in context of perspectives of the EU – Ukraine relations. Therefore, an issue of the Ukrainian crime and corresponding crime prevention policy is to be included in the agenda of the EU – Ukraine relations both for the short and long-term perspective. 

Consequently, this article is focused on further analysis of crime rates in Ukraine in the light of corresponding crime statistics for the period of January 2013 – August 2022 being based on official data from the Office of General Prosecutor.

Категорія: Crime statistics and crime trends | Додав: Dmytro
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