Вітаю Вас, Гість

1:53 AM
Підтримка в’язничної реформи в Україні

Засідання наглядової ради з імплементації міжнародного проекту "Підтримка в’язничної реформи в Україні" на період з жовтня 2011 по березень 2013 року, за підтримки Ради Європи і фінансового сприяння Шведського агентства з питань міжнародного розвитку (15 листопада 2011 року)

"Support for Prison Reform in Ukraine”
Second Stakeholders’ Platform Meeting

Kyiv, 15 November 2011
(State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine Headquarters, 81 Melnikova Str., Conference Hall)

Welcome and opening remarks by Mr Vladimir Ristovski, Representative of the Secretary General for the Co-ordination of the Council of Europe Co-operation Programmes in Ukraine/Head of Council of Europe Office in Ukraine

Ms Mirja Peterson, Head of Reform Cooperation/ Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Counsellor, Embassy of Sweden

Ms Tanja Rakusic-Hadzic, Head of Prisons and Police Unit, Action against Crime department, Information Society and Action against Crime Directorate, Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law – Chair

Mr Sergyi Sydorenko, First Deputy Head of State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine
Introduction of participants

Mr Sergyi Sydorenko, First Deputy Head of State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine

Topic: "Penitentiary Reform: update on the ongoing work, recent changes and plans”.

Presentation of "Support for Prison Reform Project” and the project team

Ms Ildiko Salacz, Project manager, Council of Europe Secretariat

Presentation by Mr Dmytro Yagunov
Topic: The results of work on the establishment of the national probation model in Ukraine as for the end of 2011.

followed by discussion and remarks

Presentation by Ms Iryna Yakovets

Topic: Current issues of the social rehabilitation of convicted persons in Ukraine.

followed by discussion and remarks

Closing remarks and reflections from participants

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Фото - Державної пенітенціарної служби України 

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