Вітаю Вас, Гість

Strengthening social control and spreading of new, more technological and at the same time hidden forms of social control in modern society creates an even greater danger of transforming society into a global total institution, where the abstract concept of "social danger" serves as the criterion of isolation and further social stratification.

Classical criminal law and the traditional system of social justice, which have been used for centuries to stigmatize a person with the "classic& ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 14619 | Додав: Dmytro | Дата: 2020-10-12

The article is focused on the penitentiary and probation reform in Ukraine after abolition of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine that took place in May 2016. The main idea of the paper is that the prison reform is being implemented without clear strategy and without welldefined targets and indicators. Unfortunately, the team of reformers failed in defining the priorities of the penal reform. The team of reformers had not taken into account criminological and sociological factors that influenced the reform. Summarizing ideas mentioned below, we can present the following principles of public administration of the penal system of Ukraine in the context of the pen ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 12370 | Додав: Dmytro | Дата: 2020-10-12