While analyzing crimes committed with the use of firearms, it could be expected that crime rates resulted from illegal use of firearms would extremely be rising after February 2022. Nevertheless, the official crime statistics from the Office of General Prosecutor partly refutes such a presumption. |
Situation with drug-related crimes partly has refuted shaped before thesis that the 2022 Russian military invasion to Ukraine “cut” crime statistics because drugs are another matter |
The 2022 military invasion to Ukraine became the event that significantly changed the European political landscape as well as impacted economic and cultural life in all European countries and the EU in general in context of perspectives of the EU – Ukraine relations. |
Контрабанда у світлі статистики злочинності: 2013 - 2022 (7) |
Злочин хуліганства у статистиці злочинності України: 2013 - 2022 (7) |
Geography of crime in Ukraine - 2013 - 2022(7)
Crimes committed by foreigners in Ukraine (2013 - 2022, 7 months)
The 2022 Russian military invasion deeply influenced the Ukrainian criminal justice system and undermined its institutions. |
According to general stereotypes (which are not far from the reality), Ukraine has traditional been used as a transit country for the aims of human trafficking. |
Теоретичне питання «Як змінилися показники сімейного насильства після початку війни» має таку ж саму теоретичну відповідь: 1) значна кількість потенційних кривдників відірвані від родин в силу обставин воєнного часу; 2) значна кількість жертв залишила країну або принаймні свої домівки; 3) середовище сімейних конфліктів як таке зменшилося. |